About Abedy Trading

Commerce is a science that is mixed with experience and the foundation of those experiences that is institutionalized in its heart. With more than two decades of experience in the field of international trade, we provide services to those interested in this path, in the field of international transportation and commercial trade, and commercial acceleration and commercial training. Acceleration means doing business from zero to one hundred as soon as possible and with the highest quality of service.
Transportation means reservation services and forwarding services for cargo transportation from all over the world. Development is the transfer of business experience, or in other words, teaching fishing. Education is the content related to the rules and regulations of this matter, which is presented academically.

Distinctions of Abedy Commercial Acceleration Agency

Clarity of service

Clarity in providing services and transparency in implementation


Reduction in the cost of removing intermediaries


Providing educational packages

Direct service

Direct representation of shipping companies, direct connection to references



Import, export, order registration, clearance


Sea, land and air transportation

Counseling and training

Consulting and training in all matters related to business

buying goods

The buyer or importer must have a broad vision of his market, and with a short vision, he can only repeat and repeat the products in the market, and this vision expands in long-term research and participation in relevant exhibitions, and on the other hand Buying coins is the use of experience and sufficient information in the field of order registration and purchase performance, which is expertise and experience.

1- Registration of the request

4- Invoice approval

3- Receipt of proforma invoice

2- Finding the right seller

5- Payment

4- Invoice approval

3- Receipt of proforma invoice

5- Registration of the request

Key points about importing

Not giving the business card to others for import

Not giving the business card to others for import

In addition to the person, the legal consequences of importing illegal goods are also the responsibility of the card holder.
Be careful in choosing imported goods and buying from reputable centers

Be careful in choosing imported goods and buying from reputable centers

Importers should buy their products according to standards and only from reputable centers and import them.
Use of inspection companies during goods clearance

Use of inspection companies during goods clearance

Inspection companies can help respected merchants in checking and validating imported products during the clearance of goods.

The rules of this game are based only on the experience and expertise and current information of the rules, and anyone who takes action without having these tips or without using a specialist merchant or facilitator will definitely face a lot of losses. Therefore, it is necessary to either learn or walk this winding path right in the hands of the facilitator.

Not giving the business card to others for import

Not giving the business card to others for import

In addition to the person, the legal consequences of importing illegal goods are also the responsibility of the card holder.
Be careful in choosing imported goods and buying from reputable centers

Be careful in choosing imported goods and buying from reputable centers

Importers should buy their products according to standards and only from reputable centers and import them.
Use of inspection companies during goods clearance

Use of inspection companies during goods clearance

Inspection companies can help respected merchants in checking and validating imported products during the clearance of goods.

Inspection companies can help respectable merchants during the clearance of goods in checking and validating imported products. If in business capital is divided into two parts (currency and time), a value-creating merchant is the one who turns his currency into a valuable and useful commodity. Slow down to save the return period of his investment.

Forwarding means facilitating your business in the international transportation sector

You can safely follow the loading and unloading of your cargo until it reaches its destination.
You can get the best international shipping rates thanks to Abedi Trading’s forwarding capabilities.


car part


External part


Functional service


Active agent

Abedy Trading Agency, as the founder of Trade Facilitation, presents the result of its 25 years of efforts and experiences by choosing its specialized field called Trade Facilitation, which is a new service in the field of importing goods to those interested in this field.
In business facilitation, we will be with you with the highest clarity in presentation and training.
